Watchman Alert System
The CBS Watchman Alert System uses text, e-mail, and voice messages to alert CBS students and employees in the event of an emergency or urgent situation. Alert messages are sent to registered mobile phones, home phones, and email addresses.
Your Safety is Our Priority
The personal safety of students, faculty, and staff is the top priority of CBS. We want to
take every precaution to ensure your safety in the event of a campus emergency. The
CBS Watchman Alert System provides you with timely notification if an unforeseen event
occurs that would close the campus and threaten safety. Students, faculty, and staff are
automatically enrolled in the CBS Watchman Alert System and may elect to not participate
by completing the Emergency Notification System Election not to Participate Form.
Your contact information is automatically stored in the CBS Watchman Alert System. Any
changes students make to this information under MyRecords within Campus Nexus will
be automatically updated in the CBS Watchman Alert System. For faculty and staff,
information needs to be updated with Insperity.
If you have questions about the CBS Watchman Alert System, please contact Terry
Bryan, director of real estate operations at 832.252.4676
or terry.bryan@cbshouston.edu.
Students can elect to not participate in the CBS Watchman Alert System by completing
the Election not to Participate Form. The election must be renewed at the start of
each academic year or the student, faculty, or staff will automatically be enrolled in the
CBS Watchman Alert System. To change an election to not participate, send an email,
including name and student identification to the office of the registrar
at registrar@cbshouston.edu.