Sexual Violence

The Campus Sexual Violence Elimination (SaVE) Act

As described by the Clery Center for Security on Campus: The Campus Sexual Violence Elimination (SaVE) Act represents a turning point in our nation’s handling of sexual misconduct on college campuses and universities. SaVE Act seeks to address the violence women face on campus: the highest rates of stalking, the highest risk of nonfatal intimate partner violence, and 20-25% of female students experiencing rape or attempted rape.

The College of Biblical Studies is committed to maintaining a safe learning and work environment for all students, faculty, and staff and is committed to the elimination of sexual violence in all forms and will take appropriate action against any individual found responsible for acts in violation of this policy. Acts of sexual violence may also constitute violations of criminal and civil law that may require separate proceedings. To further its commitment against sexual violence, CBS provides reporting options, an investigative and disciplinary process, and prevention training and other related services as appropriate.

Our Sexual Violence Policy is available for you in printable format.

Incident Reporting

To report a sexual violence incident please contact the dean of students at 832-252-0757 immediately. If it happens while you are on campus, please contact the CBS campus security
dispatch at 281-448-4900, or 713-545-8602 to reach their cell phone.

The Incident Report Form may be submitted to the dean of students’ office or via email

If you are Assaulted

• Get to a safe place.
• Do not shower, bathe, douche, wash your hands, brush your teeth, or use the toilet.
• Don’t change or destroy clothing.
• As hard as it may be not to clean up, you may destroy important evidence if you do.
• Get medical attention as soon as possible.
• Contact a friend or family member you trust or call your local Rape Crisis Hotline for
support and information.


Resources from TAASA (Texas Association Against Sexual Assault) 

To read about your rights and what to expect if this happens to you, A Survivor’s Booklet will assist you in getting prepared. There will be confusion during and after this happens. It is important to understand Sexual Assault, Trauma & Spiritual Healing to help you cope with your feelings. The Texas Residents Crisis Center Telephone Numbers provide 24-hour support, counseling, information, and referrals for sexual assault survivors as well as for their family and friends.

Other Resources

Office on Violence Against Women: Established by the Violence Against Women Act, the Office on Violence Against Women is designed to reduce violence against women and strengthen resources for all survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking.

National Domestic Violence Hotline: Established by the Violence Against Women Act, the National Domestic Violence Hotline provides 24-hour support for people facing domestic violence.

Stalking Resource Center: Part of the National Center for Victims of Crime, the Stalking Resource Center provides assistance and guidance for those impacted by stalking. This government-sponsored website contains resources on responding to and preventing sexual assault in schools.

Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN): This nonprofit organization has a 24-hour hotline for anonymous support for people dealing with sexual assault and their friends and families.

The National Suicide Prevention Hotline: This nonprofit organization has a 24-hour, toll-free
confidential suicide prevention hotline. This government-sponsored website contains information regarding rape and sexual assault.

Love Is Respect: The Love Is Respect website offers information on how to recognize dating violence and seek help.

Campus Safety and Crime Reporting:
Requirements of the Clery Act

The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act of 1998 is part of the Higher Education Act. The goal of the Clery Act is to ensure students, prospective students, parents, and employees have access to accurate information about crimes committed on campus and campus security procedures.

Other helpful links (further information about these links can be found in the Annual Report):

Texas Department of Public Safety Sex Offender Database
Indiana Department of Correction Sex Offender Registry

Title IX Coordinator

Dr. Lisa Stewart

Registered Sex Offenders


Law enforcement authorities are required to inform colleges and universities when registered sex offenders indicate they plan to attend classes, live, work, or volunteer their services on a college or university campus.

The information provided through this Website is open record. It may be used by anyone for any purpose. However, it is your responsibility to make sure the records you access through this site pertain to the person about whom you are seeking information. Extreme care and caution should be exercised in using any information obtained from these databases below. Neither The College of Biblical Studies, the State of Texas, the state of Indiana or National Sex Offender Public Website databases shall be responsible for any errors or omissions produced by secondary dissemination of this information.

Registered Sex Offenders enrolled at CBS:
Helpful resources registration websites: